How To Travel For Free To Your Dream Destination In The Next 90 Days Or Less

Are you itching to take a trip somewhere warm and tropical but can’t afford it?

Maybe it’s snorkeling in the beautiful clear waters of Hawaii.







Maybe it’s sipping on champagne as you sail into the sunset somewhere in the Caribbean.







Maybe it’s getting lost in the rolling hills of Tuscany while enjoying some fine wine and cheese.









Or maybe it’s kicking back at the Hilton Resort in Thailand with an upgraded room that has the most incredible view as I’m currently doing.


Wherever it is you dream of visiting but haven’t been able to because of not being able to afford it, we’re about to change that.

Follow my straight forward and easy to follow instructions below and you’ll be at your dream destination sipping on Pina Colada’s (or your drink of choice) in 90 days or less.

I seriously don’t think there’s a better health and happiness remedy than traveling.

OK maybe running and a good red wine are up there as well but traveling still takes the cake in my opinion.

Traveling allows us to live, to breath, to be free.

It allows us to “explore, dream, discover” as Mark Twain so wonderfully put it.

I know traveling isn’t for everyone but if it’s for you, awesome!

You’re exactly who I’ve created this post for.

Let’s dive in and get you traveling to your dream destination for free ASAP.


You Don’t Need Money To Travel, What You Need Is Points

The fastest most effective way to begin traveling for free is to cash in on incredible bonuses credit cards offer.

Because they’re all competing with each other for your business, they offer insane sign-up bonuses.

This use to scare me because I didn’t understand how it all worked and I didn’t have anyone to break it down in a way that I understood it and felt comfortable with.

I didn’t have someone guiding me to do this first, that second, and this third – straight, easy, and to the point.

That’s why I’ve created this here for you to provide you with what I wish I had years ago.


Applying For Credit Cards Offering Lots Of Points As A Sign-Up Bonus

Do you need good credit to do so?

No but it certainly helps.

Does applying for credit cards negatively affect your credit?

That’s the most ridiculous myth out there.

If anything, applying for credits cards and establishing credit HELPS not hurts your credit.

For example, I have over 10 credits cards and my credit score is in the 800s.

Here’s the key to cashing in on the massive bonus points these credit cards offer you when you sign up.

Depending on the card you apply for, they usual require that you spend a certain amount with them in the first fews months to qualify for the bonus points.

For example, having to spend $4,000 in the first 3 months of getting getting approved and receiving the card in the mail.

I know, sounds like a whopping amount and it is.

Let’s talk about how to play the game right so that you don’t spend a dime more than you’re already spending on a regular basis AND still cash in on these bonus points that’ll soon be your ticket to free travel.

I have a checking account with money in it, I’m assuming you do as well.

Maybe you write checks monthly to pay things like your cell phone, utilities, groceries, dinners, etc.

Maybe you use online bill pay to pay these monthly expenses.

Take a second now to tally up how much you pay per month in expenses that comes out of your checking account.

Maybe you pay everything in cash… that’s fine too.

What’s that amount for you when you add it up?

For example, here’s my monthly expenses that I use to pay out of my checking account:

Cell: $130

Utilities: $225

Car Insurance: $75

Business Operating Expenses: $100

Gas For Car: $200

Groceries: $300

Spending: $800

When I add up all of these monthly expenses I pay for regularly on a monthly basis it adds up to $1830.

So that’s $1830 that’s coming out of my checking account every month.

Here’s how to satiate the initial spending credit cards require you to spend with them in order to cash in on their bonus points.

Instead of paying all of these expenses directly from my checking account which earns me absolutely nothing, I use the credit card I applied for to pay all of these expenses.

In doing so, all my expenses are still paid.

The only difference being because I paid using my credit card, I am now well on my way to satiating the amount they require me to spend in the first 3 months of getting the card to get my bonus points.

Let’s do the math real quickly.

If my expenses are $1830 per month and I’m using my credit card to pay all these expenses and THEN paying the off the credit card using the money in my checking account (one extra step), in three months I will have spent/paid $5490 with them, therefore meeting my required $4000 spend in 3 months.

Make sense?

All I’ve done here it added one extra step.

How I use to pay my expenses:

Pay expenses using checking account money = get nothing, no points.

How I pay my monthly expenses now:

Pay expenses using credit card = pay credit card using money in checking account = get points!

One extra step, that’s it!

If it sounds to good to be true, it’s not.

I use to think it was to good to be true, that it couldn’t possibly be that easy to rack up points and travel for free but it really IS that easy.

My only regret is that I didn’t start this process sooner.


What Credit Cards Should You Sign Up For?

The key is to sign up for the ones that offer you the most points and perks too.

For example, the Chase Sapphire Reserve card not only offers you 50,000 bonus points when you spend $4,000 in the first 3 months of having the card, you also get free access to over 1000 airport lounges across the globe for you and a guest.

No more waiting at your gate for hours at a time before your flight.

Instead you’ll have access to airport lounges that offer free food, water, soft drinks, alcohol, wi-fi, even showers!

Did I mention it’s all free?!

Other credit cards such as Hilton Honors through American Express immediately bump you up to Gold Status which means free room upgrades, free breakfast (daily), free in-room wi-fi, free drink vouchers at the bar, and more!

Again, all free bonus perks for signing up for these credit cards.

Incredible right?

I know what you’re thinking because I use to think the same way and it’s what kept me from taking action sooner and cashing in on all these bonuses, rewards, and perks.

“What’s the catch?”

There has to be a catch right?

I mean no one gives away this much for nothing?

Credit card companies are smart.

They know that out of every 10 people who apply for these credit cards for the bonus points and perks, 8 out of 10 people will end up spending more than they can afford to pay-off monthly and therefore carry a monthly balance.

When this happens, the credit card companies win because they charge you a monthly financing fee and therefore make money off of you – makes sense right?

The key for you and I is to not be one of these 8 out of 10 people who spend more than they can afford to pay monthly and end up carrying a monthly balance.

You and I will be the 2 out of 10 who keep their spending in check and pay off our full balance every month therefore racking up our bonus points, never carrying a balance, and never paying a monthly financing fee.

Still with me?

Remember, all you’re doing in paying the same monthly expenses you’re going to pay anyways using your credit card that you’ll then pay off entirely using your own money from your checking account each month.

So for me, my monthly expenses of $1830 that I would normally just write checks to or pay online per month, I now pay using my credit card and then pay it off fully each month when I get my statement.

One extra step to collect all the bonus points, all the perks, and travel for absolutely free.

Crazy right?

If you’re disciplined to charge only what you normally would spend anyways per month in expenses, you win big-time.

The credit companies know this too and they’re OK with it and here’s why.

They’ll live with you and I getting away with getting all these bonuses and perks without paying anything in return because they’ll still make their money from the other 8 out of 10 people who WILL end up spending more than they can afford, therefore carrying a balance and paying a monthly finance charge.

That won’t be you and I though.

Pay your monthly expenses using your credit card, pay it off monthly, collect your bonus points & perks, repeat.

That’s seriously all there is to it.


What About The Yearly Fees Credit Cards Charge?

Some credit cards do charge a yearly fee so it’s important to figure out which ones to keep after you cash in on the bonuses and continue using and which ones to cancel before paying the next years annual fee.

For example, Chase Sapphire Reserve is an incredible card and the one I use the most because of the benefits and perks it offers me (more on this in a bit).

Their yearly fee is $450.

I know, pretty steep but get this – out of this $450 annual fee I pay, they give you a yearly credit of $300 for anything travel related (flights, hotels, etc).

Chances are you’ll spend $300 or more during the year on flights and hotels so you’ll get this credit bringing your yearly credit card fee to really $150.

I know, still a bit steep but not so much when you take into account you also get free airport lounge access to 1000 plus lounges across the world.

Just one visit to one of these lounges, some food and drinks that would normally cost you $50-$60 if not more considering it’s airport prices and you’ve nearly broken even.

Oh did I mention you also get 3 points for every dollar spent on dining, free insurance whenever you rent a car, and tons of other perks too?

This $450 yearly fee which is really $150 after the $300 yearly travel credit which is really nothing when you take into account all the other benefits such as the bonus points after meeting your spend limit in the first 3 months is an absolute no brainer.


Let’s Get You Some Points & Traveling For Free

I’m going to suggest you start by applying to these credit cards below first.

You can do these one at a time or if you want to get your significant other or a friend on board as well so you guys can get to traveling for free together sooner than later, even better.

That’s what Kristen (my girlfriend) and I do.

We either apply for the same cards to maximize the amount of bonus points we get or we apply to different ones so that with one card we can get points for free flights and another card we can get points for free hotel nights.

However you want to do it is perfectly fine so long as you take action and get the process started.

Let’s get you traveling for free, not paying for flights and hotels as soon as possible – what do you say?


Start Here

Start by first applying for the Chase Sapphire Reserve Card Here

It is by far my absolute favorite card because of the bonus points you get (50,000 after spending $4,000 in the first three months of having the card) AND the additional perks such as unlimited free access to airport lounges for you and a guest.

50,000 points is more than enough for you and someone else to travel round trip to your destination of choice for absolutely free!

Next apply for the American Express Hilton Honors Card Here

I love this card because you get 85,000 bonus points after spending $3,000 with them in the first three months of getting the card.

85,000 points can get you almost a full free week stay at different hotels and resorts throughout the world.

I’m currently in Thailand staying at the Hilton Phuket Arcadia Resort & Spa for an entire week for absolutely free!

There’s an annual fee of $95 however it’s just $75 if you apply before January 18, 2018.

I’m more than happy to pay the $75 yearly fee for the opportunity to stay at places like the Hilton Phuket Arcadia Resort & Spa for an entire week for absolutely free!

Another perk of getting this card is you automatically get complimentary Gold Status.

Why does Gold Status matter?

Free room upgrades such as the incredible ocean view I currently have in Thailand.

Free breakfast and drink vouchers.

Free in-room wi-fi.

Not to mention the over-the-top service and attention you get from the concierge for being a Gold Member – it’s awesome and kinda fun 🙂

So, what are you waiting for?

Apply for one or better yet, both of these cards, get your bonus points, and you’ll be on your way to that dream vacation you never thought you’d be able to afford for absolutely free.

Let me know where you decide to travel to will you?… maybe I’ll see you on an exotic beach somewhere.

Cheers to you and all the free travel that awaits you.


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