The Single Most Important Step To Take In Order To Stay Consistent & On Track To Successfully Achieving Your Goals

Don’t look now, but summer 2016 is just a short 19 days away.

Can you believe that?

Holy smokes.

It seems just like it was yesterday that we were talking about goals for this new year.

Speaking of 2016 and goals, here’s a question to consider asking yourself…


How Are Your 2016 Goals Looking So Far?

Have you achieved some of them, all of them, none of them?

Are you on track with where you want to be from a health and fitness standpoint?

Don’t sweat it if you’re not – I’m not judging.

In fact, there’s some I’m way behind schedule with myself.

I committed to mediating for 10 minutes daily every day this year.

I started the year strong and consistent using the meditation app Headspace which is an awesome resources although I’ve been way off track lately.

We’re not perfect, it happens.

With that said, I always like to ask the question… “what happened?


What Gets Us Off Track From Our Goals?

If something is that important to us to the point we commit to making it one of our focal points for the year, how does it go from being that important to not getting done?

I believe meditation is wonderful with lots of benefits and could really help me in several different ways such as less stress, more mental clarity, calmness, etc.

Although I know this, I still have let this commitment slip.

Can you relate at all?

Where you know something is good for you, you want to do it, you’ve committed to doing it, you think about it often, and yet you still don’t do it.

Has that ever happened to you?

What’s up with that?

Well, here’s my two cents on why I believe I’ve been unsuccessful with sticking to my daily mediation commitment…


I Haven’t Made It A Priority

Sure I committed to it, sure I know it’s beneficial, sure I want to make it a daily habit… problem is, I haven’t made it a priority.

I’ve made exercising is a priority and so I do it consistently.

I’ve made reading a priority and so I do it daily.

I’ve made writing in my journal a priority and so I write in it daily.

I’m consistent with doing all of these.

Why? Because I’ve made them a priority.

The single most important step we can take to help us stay consistent and on track with our goals is to make them a priority.


In Order To Do Anything Consistently, First Make It A Priority

The same way we make children (if you have children) a priority.

The same way we make our pets (if you have pets) a priority.

Priorities aren’t negotiable.

Deciding whether or not you’ll pick up your kids from school isn’t negotiable.

Deciding whether or not you’ll feed your dog, cat, whatever pet it may be, isn’t negotiable.

You do it because you know it needs to get done – it’s a priority, a must…. not negotiable.

Technically you could negotiate not doing these although that would be crazy and not cool.

I haven’t been consistent with meditating daily because I haven’t made it a priority.

Whatever goal or commitments you set out to focus on this year and perhaps have let slip but they’re still important to you, I ask that you revisit them.


Revisit Your Goals

Revisit them and make them a priority, the same way you make other things in your life a priority that come hell or high water, you make happen and get it done.

We have it in us, it’s not a matter of if we can or can’t… it’s a matter of will we.

Will we make whatever goal or commitment it may be a priority?

I’m pretty sure if and when you do, you’ll be right back on track and on there for good.

Time for me to make meditating daily a priority… not because I have to, but because I want to.

What will you make a priority going forward?

“We always have time for the things we put first.”

Thanks for being here…

You’re awesome!



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