Repairing Self-Confidence

If there’s one thing I know well, it’s the feeling of low self-confidence.

For me it started at an early age. Told by teachers I wasn’t smart or good enough for success. That I wouldn’t amount to much.

Just 8 years old and my confidence was already shot. 

Being so young, I had no idea how to repair my self-confidence or the importance of doing so.

Worst of all, the natural flow of failures, setbacks, and heartaches that are part of life, that we all experience, further damaged whatever self-confidence (if any) I had left.

That was shitty and felt pretty shitty. But that was then.

Thanks to some wonderful mentors and coaches I’ve been fortunate to meet along the way, I’ve managed to repair and restore my self-confidence.

It’s been a heck of a journey but a necessary one. 

Necessary because failures, setbacks, and heartaches are part of life. 

As long as I live I will continue to experience these in one form or another. I can’t change this nor do I want to.

Because with every failure, setback, and heartache, I grow stronger, wiser; more humble and grateful.

That said, these same failures, setbacks, and heartaches can wreck havoc on my self-confidence if I allow them to. 

Which I don’t by reminding myself often that my failures don’t make me a failure.

It’s not a label I now carry. 

It’s not a status. 

Failures, setbacks, and heartaches.. these are all occurrences, events we experience.

They don’t own us. 

They don’t define us. 

They strengthen us. 

Nurture us. 

They help us become all we’re here to become.

It’s this mindset, this perspective that helps me repair and preserve my self-confidence each time I stumble, fall, and fail. 

So that I’m able to continue getting back up, again and again, in order to grow, to give, and become all I possibly can be.

More in this episode of my Mornings With Mike podcast.

Thanks for being here.

You’re awesome…


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