Introduction To Travel Fitness Part II

I love traveling.

Who doesn’t right?

Whether to a neighboring state or overseas.

It’s something new, different, and exciting.

An opportunity for new fitness experiences as well.

Mixing travel and fitness together is awesome.

Here’s five ways to do just that!


Travel Fitness

As we recently defined in Introduction To Fitness Travel Part I, travel fitness is exactly what it sounds like. It’s the ability to maintain a fitness routine during your travels.

Just last week, I was traveling for four days and away from my gym and the usual equipment I have access to. There was a small gym where I was staying and that’s all I needed to get in my exercise. A few adjustments and modifications here and there and presto, exercise completed!

I would have headed out for a run as well although the 2 feet of snow and 8 degree weather outside didn’t sound welcoming so passed – I know, weird right?

Winter in New England along with a tight travel schedule didn’t allow me to take full advantage of my surroundings but I did the best I could with where I was and what I had – travel fitness in a nutshell.


Here’s five ways of mixing travel and fitness to create some awesome experiences:

1. Run/Walk The Area

Wherever you are, ask your hotel front desk, concierge (they usually have maps for you), or your local host about scenic running routes or trails you can jump on to get in a workout while taking in all the local sites.

Living in Boston, a favorite trail of mine is The Freedom trail, a 2.5-mile route that’s clearly marked and leads you to 16 historically significant sites such as museums, meetinghouses, churches, and burying grounds. Exercise mixed with rich history of the American Revolution, as it began in Boston.

If you need help finding different trails and routes to run or hike while traveling, here are two great resources you can use: – an app where other people share runs they did and the distances they covered in all different parts of the world. – great for finding trails wherever you are along with trail descriptions and distances.

Check out the link below for additional suggestions and reviews on running apps:

The 5 Absolute Best Running Apps


2. Travel Challenges

Spice up your travel fitness with some self-imposed fitness challenges. If you’re going to Paris, challenge yourself by climbing the Eiffel Tower stairs instead of taking the elevator. If you’re taking off for a 3-day weekend, challenge yourself to complete 1000 sit-ups over the course of those three days.

Check out a challenge I recently handed Troy & Dorene of Travel Life Adventures during their stay in Thailand. A heck of a challenge that I’m happy to report they completed – Awesome!

A few years ago when I was traveling through Europe, I made it a point to climb ever tower I came across that was accessible. We’re talking thousands of stairs over the course of 6 weeks. New places, new sites, new experiences, and some serious aerobic workouts.


3. Participate In A Local Fitness Event

Before taking off on your travels, check to see if there will be any races or fitness events going on while you’re there such as 5K or 10K race, a marathon, triathlon or even a Spartan race. Build that into your travel experience. When you do, you might just find yourself finishing a Spartan race in Fenway Park, ending your marathon run inside the Roman Colosseum, or completing your very first triathlon in Maui. Three events that I personally have my sights on.


4. Immerse Yourself In The Local Health Scene

No two gyms, fitness classes, or instructors are the same. Every situation is unique and different. Take advantage of the local fitness experts and all they have to offer. I’ve been to a few different yoga classes and there’s always one that challenges me or that I enjoy more than another. Same goes for different Spinning classes, CrossFit, or just personal training in general.

If you’re in NYC, try out an intense class at Circuit of Change. Check out this video, gets me energized just watching it. Or if you find yourself in Costa Rica, take advantage of a epicself, an all-inclusive health & wellness retreat.

Wherever you go, chances are there’s a new fitness experience awaiting your arrival. Don’t hold back either, even if it’s out of your comfort zone…even better. Go for it!


#5. Schedule A Fitness Meeting

Whether business or pleasure, not all meetings have to happen in a conference room, an office, or over coffee. When traveling, why not schedule a fitness meeting with a business colleague or a friend? Make it a run, a workout, a game of tennis or racquetball. If you know what the person you’re meeting up with is interested in, whether it’s yoga, Pilates, or boxing, whatever it may be… it’s a great way to connect with that individual further and still get in a workout. It’s a win win.


Make It Fun

Whatever you do, make it a point to make fitness fun and enjoyable. When you do, you’ll find yourself wanting to do more and more of it.

If done right, fitness and exercise will no longer feel like a chore or something you feel you have to get done. No one likes or wants to do what they “have” to do, I know I sure don’t. Whenever that’s the case, I often rebel and end up doing the exact opposite just to make a statement. Maybe you’re the same and can relate.

Next time you travel, make it a point to see what kind of adventure you can create with these five suggestions I’ve made here and then come back and tell us all about it.



  • Keeping up with your fitness goals while on the road can definitely be difficult. Thank you for all of the above info! One of my favorites to do (while in the states) is to participate in local events, like a Turkey Trot or other events that benefit our communities as well! It benefits everyone 🙂

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