In The Opinion Of Others, You’ll Never Be Good Enough: How To Block Out Your Critics & All The Negative Noise

Have you you ever asked yourself…

Am I good enough?

Good enough to be healthy.

Good enough to be happy.

Good enough to feel alive and fulfilled.

What answer do you come up with?

More importantly, who gave you that answer?


“To escape criticism – do nothing, say nothing, be nothing.” 


Nike recently put out a new video.

It features the basketball player Lebron James.

I’ve never been a big fan of Lebron James.

To some extend, I’m still not.

I am however a big fan of this video.

The message speaks to every single one of us.

What’s the message you ask?


“You’re Not Supposed To Be Here”

Throughout the 1:45 video, Lebron James takes us through a chronological timeline of his life from childhood to becoming an NBA champion.

He also repeatedly states the following words….

“You’re not supposed to be here.”

A message that points out regardless of what we do, we’ll often be told we’re doing it wrong.

That you’re not doing it right.

That is should be done this way, not that way.

A message of resistance, not support.

A message of discouragement, not encouragement.

A message of “you can’t“, not “you can“.

A message of “who you do think you are?

Messages designed to keep you from feeling and being your best.


You’re Not Supposed To Be Here

Chances are these are messages that at some point in your life you’ve received as well.

Maybe you’re still receiving them today.

I unfortunately received many of these messages as a kid growing up.

Messages that messed with me and kept me down for many years thinking I wasn’t good enough, smart enough, worthy enough to feel, be, and live my best.

Messages that over the years I’ve learned to give the middle finger to.

If you’ve had to deal with or are still dealing with similar messages, I encourage you to give those messages the middle finger as well.


In The Opinion Of Others, You May Never Be Good Enough

You may never do it right.

You may always be wrong.

And with all do respect, we aren’t here living, breathing, working, hustling, sacrificing, doing all we can do to be our best for anyone other than ourselves.

You and I don’t need nor are we waiting for anyone’s approval.

Because if we wait for that, we’ll be waiting forever.

You’re not supposed to feel good.

You’re not supposed to lose weight.

You’re not supposed to run your first marathon.

You’re not supposed to make time for exercise.

You’re not supposed to feel good.

You’re not supposed to be confident.

You’re not supposed to feel worthy.

You’re not supposed to feel alive and free.


You’re Supposed To Do Nothing

Feel nothing, experience nothing, lose nothing, gain nothing, become nothing.

Because here, you aren’t a threat to anyone.

You aren’t a reminder of the fact that there’s greatness in every one of us.

You aren’t a reminder of the existing potential in all of us just waiting to be tapped.

You aren’t a reminder of the fact that time is passing us by and each day is another missed opportunity to see more, feel more, do more, experience more, and ultimately become more.

Heaven forbid you shine, we wouldn’t want that now would we?


Demand Greatness From yourself Because No One Else Will

Demand it knowing damn well that there IS greatness within you.

It’s there, it’s always been there, and always will be there.

The reason our motto at The Wellness Bucket is “You’re Awesome” is really quite simple….

You ARE awesome!

You are supposed to feel good.

You are supposed to lose weight.

You are supposed to run your first marathon.

You are supposed to make time for exercise.

You are supposed to feel good.

You are supposed to be confident.

You are supposed to feel worthy.

You are supposed to feel alive and free.

What you’re supposed to do is whatever’s necessary to feel, be, and live your absolute best.


But You’re Not Supposed To Be Here

Do the work.

Put in the time.

Make the commitment.

Give the effort.

Welcome the sacrifices.

There is greatness within you.

Don’t ever let anyone tell you differently either.

Because when all is said and done and you’re still being told, “You’re not supposed to be here“…

You can smile really big knowing….

You’re right where you’re supposed to be.

You’re awesome!





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