Travel to all 193 countries.
Run a marathon in all 50 states.
Visit all seven continents.
Walk across the United States.
Hike the entire Appalachian Trail.
Cook a meal from every country in the world.
What’s your quest?
A Long or Arduous Search For Something.
On Tuesday, Chris Guillebeau, who I’m a big fan of, released his latest book titled, The Happiness of Pursuit. It’s an awesome and very inspiring book that focuses on quests and how having one, adds happiness and purpose to our lives.
A quest is defined as a search for something or a journey towards a goal. It’s often associated with great exertion, overcoming many obstacles, and in some instances (such as visiting all 193 countries in the world like Chris did), much travel.
A quest can be anything in which you have a strong desire to accomplish and that is important to you. Something you can’t stop thinking about and that makes you happy every time you think about it.
Quests come in all shapes and sizes.
It could be losing weight & donating a set amount of money for every pound lost to help fight childhood obesity.
It could be going back to school to get a law degree or doctorate degree you’ve always wanted to.
It could be home schooling your children while you sail from island to island in the Caribbean.
It could be volunteering in different parts of the world.
It could be playing the 100 best golf courses in the world as Sean Ogle from Location 180 is currently doing.
Setting out to do what’s important to you, the thing you think about all the time and wonder why you haven’t started it yet, that one thing that makes you happy and come alive just thinking about it, that’s your quest.
Find it. Identify it. Go after it. Do it. Start it now.
My Own Personal Quests Over The Years
I always know when I am no longer on a quest. I can feel it. This usually happens right after I complete one and haven’t started a new one. It’s that gap between completing one and starting a new and different quest, a different adventure. It makes me feel restless, uneasy, unfulfilled, like I’m missing something. The feeling of working towards something brings me happiness. Here are just a few of the questions I have completed over the years:
Going to college to earn a degree.
Months of studying for my National Athletic Trainer’s Association Exam.
A year long project to complete my graduate thesis.
Traveling throughout Europe for 42 days.
Making a move across country, from one coast to the other, and then back again.
Completing the Triple Crown. (running a series of 3 half marathons in one calendar year)
Quests give us a sense of adventure. A sense of accomplishment.
A sense of fulfillment.
If you think losing weight can’t be considered a quest either, consider the following.
Weight Loss Case Study Example
You set out to lose 50lbs or whatever your weight loss goal may be. In the process, you discover new foods, recipes, ways of eating that makes you feel great, not just physically, but mentally too. You begin to gain more confidence with the healthy decisions you make, with each workout you complete, with each pound you lose. You begin to meet others as well who are also on the path to weight loss, to a happier and healthier life. You join a running club or begin taking Pilates or a Yoga class that introduces you to even more people and new ways of doing things. You develop new friendships along the way.
You begin to see progress, day by day, week by week, month by month. You’re now wearing clothing you once though you’d never be able to wear and feeling great about it too. Others start to take notice and are inspired themselves to make their own changes. You may decide to tell your story through a blog, a website, Instagram, or any other social media, social sharing sites out there. Others now flock to you for advise, for inspiration, for guidance. Whether you know it or not, you’ve become a symbol of hope, of all that is possible when you commit to a quest, a quest that’s important to you, that makes you happy. All this because you set out to lose weight.
Still think losing weight can’t be considered a quest?
The actions you begin to take because of your quest, whatever quest that may be, creates a ripple effect that has the ability to positively influence and change our family, our friends, our neighbors, our state, our country, our world, forever.
The Ripple Effect
“When we focus our energy towards constructing a passionate meaningful life, we are tossing a pebble into the world, creating a beautiful ripple effect of inspiration. When one person follows a dream, tries something new, or takes a daring leap, everybody nearby feels that energy and before too long, they are making their own daring leaps and inspiring yet another circle.”
My Next Quest
Creating The Wellness Bucket is the greatest decision I have ever made. They joy, happiness, and sense of fulfillment it brings me is incredible. The idea of working with, believing in, and helping others throughout the world believe in themselves and all that is possible, all that they are capable of, so that they may live a life full of health and happiness, is super exciting to me.
What’s even more exciting to me is getting out into the world to meet, speak, share, laugh, dance, cry, and serve people, all people, from all over the world.
Around The World Travel
My girlfriend Kristen and I, after many discussions about what a common quest could be for the both of us, one in which we both believe in, one that excites us, and one that we can’t envision not doing, is traveling the world extensively for an entire year. We are currently in the planning stages and will embark on this amazing quest beginning April 2016.
We both believe in the power of taking action, in doing what makes us happy, leaning into fear and the unknown. We believe in the power of people and in the good of all people. We believe there’s no substitute for looking someone in the eyes, listening to them, speaking with them, understanding them, their lives, their struggles, their culture, how they live, and what makes them happy. We’re excited about our around the world trip that will give us the opportunity to have these amazing experiences, gain new and different perspectives on people, places, & life.
Details about the trip, such as where we’ll be, how long we’ll be there for, what volunteering organizations we’ll be working with, and how the The Wellness Bucket & KristenRenae (Kristen’s lifestyle blog) will contribute to this quest, are still in the works.
Start Your Own Quest
No quest is too big or too small.
What makes you happy? What do you think about often? What would you love to do? What makes you come alive? What do you wish you could change?
Not all quests have to involve travel or traveling the world.
It could be learning to speak French fluently so when the kids are off to college, you and your spouse can finally take that trip to Paris you’ve always talked about, dreamed about, and have that romantic kiss at the top of the Eiffel Tower over looking all of Paris. A moment you’ll never forget.
As Chris mentioned in his book, it could be cooking a meal from every country in the world for yourself, your family, and friends.
It could be training to qualify for the Boston Marathon or the Ironman World Championship in Kona, Hawaii.
It could be going back to school for a degree you’ve always dreamed of having.
Remember…. No quest is too big or too small.
Do What Makes You Happy
There’s not a right quest or a wrong quest. The only quest there is, is the one in which you believe in, the one that makes you happy, the one you can’t image going through life & never have completed. That’s your quest.
I encourage you to check out Chris’s new book, The Happiness of Pursuit. You can get a copy on Amazon by clicking here. Give it a read, immerse yourself in the book, in the stories, in all the adventures and quests that the book reveals and talks about, and you too will begin thinking about your own quest. If you can’t afford the book, let me know. I’ll personally buy it and send you a copy. It’s that good!
In the event you’re interested, Chris’ other two books The Art of Non-Conformity & The $100 Startup. Both awesome as well.
Have fun, do what makes you happy, and remember…
In the end , we only regret the chances (or quests) we didn’t take.
“You might not remember every day you live, but you’ll remember the days that make life worth living for.”
~ Danny Souza ~
What adventures or quests are you currently working on? What are some you’re considering? I’d love to hear all about them in the comments below. Please share them with me if you’re comfortable doing so.
Featured Image Credit: PSDTex
Great post, Mike. Your quests sound spectacular and fascinating. Good luck with them. Mine are somewhat smaller but thank you for encouraging me (us) to think about it. I really believe you’re correct in saying that having these quests brings a sense of fulfillment and happiness. I can feel it. 🙂
Thanks Izzy, and thanks for being here. Quests sure are fun aren’t they? No quest is too big or too small or better than another. Whatever inspires us, motivates us, brings us happiness and fulfillment, that right there is the perfect, the one to chase, got after, and make it happen. I have no question you’ll reach yours and I’m super excited for you too. Cheers!
Great post! Love that you love your current quest, The Wellness Bucket, and the quest for 2016!
Well thank you Kristen! 🙂 I do love my current quests and the fact that you’re here. Cheers!
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