Here’s The Fastest, Quickest, Most Effective Way To Predict & Plan Your Future

Yesterday was election day in America.

On January 20, 2017 we will have a new president in office.

New president, new staff, new policies, new everything.

What do that means for the future?

For your future, my future, our future?

What will it look like?


How Do We Predict & Plan For The Future?

To answer this question, I’m going to refer to the 16th president of the United States of America who put it perfectly…

“The best way to predict your future is to create it.”

Everyday, whether it’s through the choices we make or don’t make, the decisions we make or don’t make, the ideas, moves, and words we use or don’t use… it’s all shaping our future.


The Future Is Now

Back at the start of of the year, this month we’re currently in (November) was the future.

That was 10 months ago and it’s now the present.

Depending on what we did over the last 10 months, the life (future) we’re living right now is a result of these past 10 months.

There future may be “out there” in the distance but it’s being created by what we decide and choose to do every single day.

So we’ve completed 10 months with 2 more to go in 2016.

Aside from enjoying the holidays of course, I’m curious… what will these last two months of the year look like for you?

More of the same? Less of the same? Or something completely different?

What future are you planning and creating for yourself?


What’s Your Plan For The Future?

You may be thinking to yourself, “Mike, seriously man… a plan for two months? And around the holidays too?

“And are these two months really going to have an impact on my future?”

I’m 100% serious and the answer is yes, what you do these remaining 2 months of the year WILL impact your future.

Every single day impacts our future.

Who says we can’t have fun, enjoy the holidays, including all the delicious foods, and still have a plan for the future we want?

We absolutely can.

The only reason it won’t happen is if we don’t make it happen.

As my mentor, the late Jim Rohn so perfectly put it…

If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.”


Either You Run The Day, Or The Day Runs You

You, your health, and your happiness is much to important to leave to chance.

New president, new year, new policies, new laws.

There are many things we can’t control.

I don’t like it and chances are, you don’t like it either.

I suggest we not focus on what we can’t control.

Let’s dedicate our time, energy, and effort to the things we can control.

We either take control of our days, weeks, months, years, and life, or it’ll take control of us.

There’s never a perfect or a right time to start focusing on our health, happiness, and creating the future we want for ourselves.

The perfect time, the right time, is every day.

Why not feel awesome and healthy every day?

Why not feel confident and sexy every day?

Why not feel energized, grateful, and happy to be alive every single day?

Some people view it as a chore, I view it as a privilege.

How fortunate are we that we get to plan our day?

To move, breath, and exercise?

To decide how and what we eat?

To chose how and what we feel?

How and what we feel is 100% within our control.


Creating Our Future Is Also 100% Within Our Control

And it all starts with how we plan our days, including these next two months.

We only feel crappy and not our best if we choice to feel crappy and not our best.

We only get the future we don’t want if we fail to create the future we do want.

If you’re not sure about how and where to get started, I’ve got you covered. 

Read This… The Future Is Now! 3 Things To Do Today To Create The Future You Want Tomorrow

With some simple daily planning, we can feel healthy, happy, and confident knowing the future that awaits us is the one we’re creating for ourselves today. 

Let’s not leave the future of our health and happiness to chance these last two months of the year.

I encourage you to have a simple plan for each day.

You can start by picking one thing, something small and simple you know you can commit to daily that’ll help contribute to your overall health, happiness, and future you want.

It could be a daily 30 minute walk at lunch, having a salad instead of a burger, stretching or meditating for 10 minutes daily.

No need to wait until Jan 1st, 2017 to start either.


Start Immediately, Like Right Now!

The future is now.

And if you think small steps are a waste of time and don’t make a difference and contribute to creating the future you want, take a few minutes to watch this video.

Let’s make each day of these last 2 months in the year count.

You’re future may very well depend on it.

You’re awesome!





  • I love this Mike. Most of the time, we take lightly the impact of a short period like these two months that include a lot of holidays may have. Good advice mate and as for me I started my exercise program on the first of November, hehe I know I was to start on October, but procrastination got on the way. Anyway I’m dedicated to stick to it even through the holidays instead of waiting of making it a New year’s resolution of which no one actually follows.


    P.S – sorry about the aftermath caused by elections happening back there, stay safe Man.

    • Thanks for your words and comment Jose – I appreciate it man. And good for you as well starting back on your exercise plan the first of November… That’s awesome! I know you had mentioned starting in October but what matters is that go got started, even if it was a month later – all good my man. Keep me posted on how you’re doing and if and how I can help support you. Cheers!

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