Travel the world.
Start a business.
Attend the Olympics.
Learn a new language.
Swim with dolphins.
Bucket lists are fun and awesome!
We all should have a bucket list.
They allow us to fantasize and think freely without having to worry about money, time, or knowing where to start.
Bucket lists give us the ability to dream, to think about what it is we would love to do, to see, or to create without the feeling of pressure like we have to do it and get it completed immediately.
We’re all unique in so many different way. I always enjoy asking people what’s on their bucket list because it gives me an immediate idea and understanding of who they are, what they like, what they value, and what’s most important to them.
Bucket lists are intended to help us think and dream outside of our box, our world, our own comfort zones. They give us the ability to be honest with ourselves and understand what it is that really makes us tick, makes us smile and come alive.
Life Begins At The End Of Your Comfort Zone
I think I’ve had a bucket list ever since the age of 6. Of course it’s completely evolved over the years but I still have one. I will always have one.
As a kid, I loved writing out my Christmas wish lists. I would think about absolutely everything it was that I wanted and would write it down. I knew I wouldn’t be getting everything on the list, that was up to my parents to decide what I got, but I knew there were several things I wrote down that I would be getting and that was exciting.
Fast forward to adulthood and my Christmas wish list has now been replaced with my own bucket list. I still write down everything that I would like, everything I wish for, that makes me happy, and that excites me. Whereas my parents were the ones who decided which of the things on my Christmas wish list I would get, now it’s me who gets to decide which of the items on my bucket list I will complete and give to myself.
Explore. Dream. Discover
Everyone’s list is different. There’s no wrong or right when creating your list. Some of us might have lots of travel listed while others might have more business related wishes on their list. No list is too long or too short, too conservative or too extravagant, too realistic or unrealistic. It’s your list and only you decide what goes on there, no one else.
I encourage you to create your own bucket list if you haven’t done so already. Don’t hold back. Write down everything and anything that comes to mind that you would like to see, do, create, visit, whatever it may be. If it excites you and makes you smile thinking about it, write it down. Make it part of your list. You may just surprise yourself on what you write down or better yet, how many of the listed items you actually end up completing.
“If you write it down, you have a better chance of making your dreams come true.”
~ Cindy Lou Aillaud ~
The following is my own personal bucket list. It’s a work in progress. There are several items I’ve already checked off the list but still many more to conquer and check off. Here it is in no particular order.
1. Solve a Rubik’s Cube
2. Learn a third language
3. Give a TED Talk
5. Sail from island to island in the Caribbean
6. Hike to Machu Picchu
7. Go skydiving
8. Write a book
9. Run a marathon
10. Compete in a men’s physique competition (4/18/2015)
11. Take an around the world trip (10/6/2017 to 3/8/2018)
12. Visit all 7 continents
13. Run a race in all 50 states
14. Stay in an over water bungalow in Bora Bora
15. Buy a boat and name it “The Hammock”
16. Drink a beer at Oktoberfest
17. Travel to Cabo San Lucas
18. Attend Carnival in Rio de Janeiro
19. Go to Mardi Gras
20. Make my own wine
21. Brew my own beer (10/25/2014)
22. See the Grand Canyon
23. Learn to sail
24. See the Northern Lights
25. Jump rope for 10 minutes straight
26. Hold an abdominal plank for 10 minutes straight
27. Go to a Superbowl (preferably that the Patriots are playing in)
28. Go to a World Series game (preferably that the Red Sox are plying in)
29. Learn to play guitar
30. Learn to play piano
31. Write a song
32. Partake in the Polar Plunge
33. Create a successful fitness business
34. Be self-employed for over a year
35. Start a blog
36. Make a living for an entire year online
37. Create a charity to help fund lung cancer research
38. Have zero debt
39. Gallop on a horse along a beach in Costa Rica
40. Take salsa dancing lessons
41. See the Great Pyramid of Giza
42. See the Eiffel Tower
43. Ride a gondola in Venice’s Grand Canal
44. Qualify & run the Boston Marathon
45. Complete a Spartan race
46. Run an ultra marathon (1/9/2016)
47. Learn to play chess
48. Go wine tasting in Tuscany, Italy
49. Go wine tasting in Napa / Sonoma
50. Watch the top 10 movies of all time
51. Complete a 10 Day Master Cleanse
52. Own a small beach bar in the islands
53. See a lion in the wild
54. Take off and land in a seaplane
What are some things you have on your bucket list that you’ve completed? What’s up next? Please share your experiences and stories with me. I’d love to hear all about them.
Loving it! Thanks for the inspiration, Mike.
Thanks for your comment Tracy and more than anything, thanks for being here and being a part of our community. You’re awesome! 🙂