Guest Post: 5 Aqua Aerobic Exercises For All Fitness Levels

Note from Mike:

Having the same exercise routine can get boring.

You also risk the chance of hitting a plateau.

Mixing up your exercise routine not only keeps things interesting and fun, it also assures that your body continues to make progress.

A fun an effective way to change things up is with aqua aerobics.

I’ve used aqua aerobics in the past with my clients and for my own personal benefit. I’m a big fan and highly recommend it.

Kaitlin Gardner recently approached me about providing The Wellness Bucket community with more information on aqua aerobics and I am so glad she did.

I’m exciting about all the great info she has for you so, without further adieu…

Take it away Kaitlin.


I was a runner for many years, and must admit, I had burned out on it.

Trying to get up super early to run during the summer wasn’t my first love, and the pounding of the running trails took had an effect on my knees.

But when I discovered aqua aerobics, it renewed my passion for exercise.


What is aqua aerobics?

In its simplest form, if I get in the water and do something that raises my heart rate, I’m performing aqua aerobics. Simply walking back and forth across the pool in waist deep water – that’s a water workout.

It doesn’t have to be a fancy, complicated routine.

The buoyancy of the water means my body only supports a fraction of its own weight. That translates to a lightness that just feels good on my joints, especially my knees.


Here are some articles with more great information:


Whether you are new to water workouts, or looking for an alternative to the treadmill at the gym, here are 5 great aqua aerobics exercises:

1) Try a class

When I wasn’t sure how to get started, and wanted someone to show me how to do a water workout, a class was a great way to start. An instructor led the group through a series of exercises, which worked both arms and legs, while providing great cardio work.

It is just fun being in the water, meaning that people are smiling and happy a lot. I really enjoyed myself.


2) Aqua walking

If it’s super hot outside and there’s no way to exercise outdoors, I head to the pool when the lap lanes are open. The coolness of the water feels great. I hop in a lane and begin walking up and down – the pace varies depending on my mood.

If I feel like a more strenuous walk, I just push a little harder and it’s aqua jogging. I make sure to wear some old ratty shoes to protect my feet, and put a water bottle at the end of the lane – I sweat but it’s hard to tell.


3) Aqua tai chi

This exercise routines is one of the greatest stress busters I’ve ever found. An instructor leads the class through a series of movements that feel like a slow motion ballet in the water. Coordinating my breathing with the movements means that I get lost in the rhythmic movements, and I am surprised when its time for the class to end.

I can come away from an aqua tai chi class and not remember what I was so stressed about.


4) Tread water

The first time an instructor suggested this routine, I was puzzled. I hadn’t treaded water since swim lessons as a kid.

I went to the deep end of the pool and tried it, and quickly saw why it was recommended. I had to work both my arms and legs, and my breathing quickly escalated. I went for as long as I could, rested, and then did it again. I wasn’t treading all that long, but felt like I got a great cardio workout.


5) Lunges and squats

In the gym, if I have to do lunges or squats, my knees creak from the impact. In the water, it’s a whole different experience, because the water supports my weight. I lunge by stepping out over my knee with one leg, then returning and repeat with the other leg. I do squats by simply squatting down in the water, making sure to keep my back straight. I get the muscle benefit, without the stress on my joints.


The main thing with aqua aerobics is to start – give it a try.

You’ll very likely fall in love with it like I did.


d83042e771727075cd601f147be44566Kaitlin Gardner started An Apple Per Day to explore her passion for a green living lifestyle, and healthy family living. She and her husband have just moved to rural Pennsylvania, where they enjoy exploring the countryside to discover interesting and out of the way places. She is also learning how to paint watercolors. 

  • Thank you for sharing this info, Kaitlin! I have always been a little weary of trying this due to being unfamiliar with it. This definitely sounds like a must try, to not only break up my routine, but allow some relief to my joints! Thanks again!

    • Thank YOU Kaitlin – the pleasure was all mine. Judging from the responses I received about your post, I believe the The Wellness Bucket community also appreciated having you here and your helpful insight into the world of aqua aerobics. Cheers to you! 🙂

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