Doing The Impossible

This week I’m celebrating doing the impossible.

Well, my impossible that it.

4 years ago, I had a goal, a dream.

To travel all around the world.

A dream at the time I thought was impossible.

How will I pay for it?

How will I be able to take all the time off?

How will I figure out where to go, what to do, where to stay, what to see?

Too much to think about, too much to process, too much to plan.


I just got back to the United States on Tuesday after finishing up an around the world trip I’ve been on for the past 6 months.

Impossible is nothing.

18 months ago I had another goal, another dream.

This time to create an online course, a first of its kind experience to help people overcome limiting beliefs keeping them from living the life they want to live.

A life filled with health, happiness, and complete fulfillment.
A course that anyone could access from anywhere in the world and immediate begin bridging the gap between the life they have now and the one they want. 

A dream at the time I thought was impossible.

What will this course look like?

What will it include?

Videos? Coding? Downloads?

I’m the least tech-savvy guy I know.

How will I get it out into the world?


I’ll be opening up registration for Entrepreneur Fitness Academy for a third time in just a few weeks.

Impossible is nothing.

6 months ago I had a yet another goal, another dream.

This time to create a podcast.

And not just any podcast, but a daily one.

A podcast that would provide people with daily motivation and accountability.

To help encourage, support, and motivate them to continue pursuing their dreams.

A podcast people could access anytime, anywhere and listen to quickly in just 5-6 minutes.

A podcast that was practical, made sense, and that people understood and could relate to. 

Once again, a dream at the time I thought was impossible.

How will I be able to create a podcast episode every single day?

Especially while traveling all around the world?

How will I know what topics to cover?

How will I continue to come up with new material?

Support, encourage, and motivate people in just 5-6 minutes?

On Wednesday, I posted my 100th episode of Mornings With Mike.

I continue to create and post a new episode every single day that’s now listened to in over 50 countries and downloaded thousands of times per month.

Impossible is nothing. 

I don’t believe in impossible.

Impossible isn’t a fact.

It’s an opinion.

Traveling the world, creating Entrepreneur Fitness Academy, recording a daily Mornings With Mike podcast…

All impossible dreams to me at one point until I decided to make the impossible nothing.

I’m curious, what’s your impossible?

What do you dream about?

Whatever it is, I encourage you to:

1) Write it down

2) Come up with a plan

3) Work your plan daily and consistently

4) Keep believing

5) And never forget you’re awesome and deserve the absolute best!

You’re awesome…



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