Creating A Success Philosophy

A few years ago, I decided to create my own personal success philosophy.

In case you’re wondering what a personal success philosophy is, it’s our own definition of what success looks like to us.

Success as we define it, not how others define it for us.

Before creating my own success philosophy, by default, I was going off of what I heard others say being successful was.

More money, more clients, more fame, more travel, more freedom, more everything.

It didn’t take me long either before I was comparing my level of success to that of others.

And of course that always feels really good to do (sarcasm at its finest).

My personal success philosophy doesn’t include any of that.

What it does include is taking care of my physical health with exercise and my mental health with gratitude journaling daily. 

This to me is being successful.

It’s the happiness I feel when I love and support my family and friends. 

Whether it’s calling my mom and grams every Sunday or having a dinner party with friends. 

This to me is being successful.

It’s the feeling of fulfillment I experience when I serve humanity. 

Whether it’s smiling at a complete stranger, stopping at a lemonade stand, buying the person behind me in line a coffee, or helping a client lose 30 pounds. 

This to me is being successful.

If we don’t create our own success philosophy, others will do it for us.

This was definitely the case for me for so many years. 

No wonder I always felt inadequate and unsuccessful. 

Not anymore. 

I’ve never felt more successful in my life and the coolest thing is, I control ever aspect of my success.

Exercising and gratitude journaling is 100% in my control. 

Loving and supporting my family and friends is 100% in my control. 

Serving humanity is 100% in my control.

My own personal success philosophy allows me to be as successful as I choose to be. 

And that I think is pretty awesome.

More in this episode of my Mornings With Mike podcast.

Thanks for being here.

You’re awesome…


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