Calculating Your Life Expectancy

This might sound crazy but I wish when we were born, we were all given a clock that shows us how much time we have left to live.

Our very own life expectancy clock counting down the years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds we have left to live.

Morbid, I know.

I can’t help but to wonder how that might change how we live our lives.

Unfortunately it took me losing my dad to cancer to view my life, my goals, all I want to do, see, and create to fully comprehend the fact that tomorrow, next week, next month, next year isn’t guaranteed.

I don’t know what my life expectancy clock reads and how far it has me getting.

And because I can’t see it, I’ve always assumed I had plenty of time to do more of the things I wanted to do, see, and create.

And so thoughts such as..

“When I have more time I’ll reach out to friends and catch up with them.”

“When I have more more money I’ll travel.

“When I have more knowledge and resources I’ll take action on creating my dream business.”

These were my thoughts on when I would take action on the things I wanted.

All of these thoughts however came to a screeching halt when I lost my dad who too had big plans for all he would do, see, and create when he retired.

Guess what? He never got there.

The time he thought he had, he didn’t.

And so I find myself wondering… How would he have lived, what would he have done differently if he knew he’d never reach retirement?

What would he have done differently if he knew exactly how much time he had left to live?

What would we do differently if we knew exactly how much time we had left to live?

Would we still put things off until tomorrow?

Would we wait for the right time to call family and friends, spend time with them, tell them you love them?

Would we still put off traveling or do more of the things we’ve been meaning to do but just haven’t gotten around to it?

Unfortunately we weren’t given a life expectancy clock at birth, but we know our time here isn’t forever.

I will continue to travel, to make time for friends and family, to tell people they’re awesome, to work on a business I believe in, to help and serve people…

Not because the timing to do any of these is ever right, but because I don’t know exactly how much time I have left on the clock.

Lots more in this episode of my Mornings With Mike podcast.

You’re awesome…


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