30 Day Wellness Challenge To Help You Start Feeling, Looking, & Living Your Best

Push ups & sit ups.

Cold shower.

One day fruit cleanse.


Bucket list.

Jump roping.

It’s all in there!


Start Feeling , Looking, & Living Your Best

I am so pleased and excited to announce this 30 Day Wellness Challenge that I have been working on for quite some time now. It’s finally here and I couldn’t be more happy to share it with you!

Here at The Wellness Bucket, it’s about more than just health and fitness.

It’s about wellness…


The state or condition of being happy. Feeling good about yourself, your body, and your health. Having healthy relationships and a career or business that is fulfilling. Enjoying life by doing more of the things that make you happy. Having and living the life you want, a life of happiness and fulfillment.

Wellness is about eating well, eating healthy, fueling our bodies, so that we’re disease free,  we have energy to do the things we want, the things that make us happy.

Wellness is about fitness and feeling our best, taking care of our bodies so that we’re able to handle whatever adventure comes our way.

Wellness is feeling good about ourselves, our relationships, our confidence. Wellness is about living a happy, fulfilling life. That is how we, together, as a community, define wellness.

When I created this challenge, I did so with all of these factors in mind.


Sign Up Below To Be Notified When The Next 30 Day Wellness Challenge Is Happening


A Challenge Like No Other

One that will challenge you not only physically, but mentally too. It will test you and require you to be at your best.

It’ll require commitment and hard work, every step of the way. In addition, it will also motivate you, inspire you, and help you believe in yourself and all you are capable of achieving.

Once you’ve complete this 30 day challenge, you will feel happier, healthier, and rejuvenated.

You will have a new sense of all that is possible. It’s an incredible feeling that I can’t wait for you to experience for yourself once you’ve completed all 30 days.


“Nothing Builds Self-Esteem & Self-Confidence Like Accomplishment.”

~ Thomas Carlyle ~


Let’s get as many of you involved in this 30 Day Wellness Challenge as possible.

Individually, we’ll get far, but together, we’ll get further.

Helping, cheering, and believing in one another along the way.


Check out the video below to see what it’s all about. People, awesome people, from all over the world; Boston, Texas, San Diego, Canada, Australia, India, Kenya, and more, believing in themselves and all that’s possible.

 If you can’t see the video above, click here to watch it.


Why This Challenge Is For You & How It Will Change Your Life!

You are capable of much more than you probably give yourself credit for.

Being healthy & fit isn’t just a physical thing, it’s a mentality shift as well.

Change your thoughts and you change your world.

The impossible and all it is you want will begin to slowly, but surely appear.

Momentum is a powerful thing.

One day, one success begins to build on the next, and then the next, and then the next.

Your thinking will change from “I Can’t” to “I Will“.

Your courage and motivation will encourage others do something motivating and inspiring themselves.

You will begin to believe in yourself and all that is possible.

It’s going to be awesome!

“Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.”

You’re awesome!

Let’s do this…


Register Below To Be Part Of The Next Free 30 Day Wellness Challenge



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