10 Exercises You Can Do Anywhere In Just 15 Minutes To Help You Burn Fat & Tone Up

This past weekend, my girlfriend Kristen and I decided to workout at a different gym.

It was huge with lots of space and all different kinds of exercise equipment and machines.

Although impressive, I couldn’t help but think how overwhelming it must feel for someone who isn’t familiar with all the different kinds of exercise machines and how to properly use them.


I also began thinking about the time it takes to get from one exercise machine to another that can easily turn a quick 15 minute exercise routine into a longer 45 minute one.


Time Necessary To Burn Fat & Tone Up

There’s nothing wrong with spending an hour or longer exercising if you have the time and that’s what makes you happy. Whether that’s at home or going to the gym.

My average workout time in the gym is right around an hour or so.

When I’m at home in my home gym, it’s more like 15-20 minutes, which is plenty of time to get in a great workout.


Where To Start

It’s frustrating when you want to improve your health, lose weight, tone up, increase your energy and confidence, but you’re unsure of where to start or what exercise routine to follow.

Let’s end the guessing game of where to start.

I’m going to help you create an exercise routine you can complete anywhere in just 15 minutes without the need of any exercise equipment.

When deciding on what exercises to do to burn fat and tone up, the amount of time you spend exercising is irrelevant.

What matters most is the exercises you’re doing during that time.


It’s important to know what exercises to do to effectively increase your heart rate during your workout so that you’re burning more calories. Not just during your workout either, but for the remainder of the day due to the increase in your metabolism.

Effective exercises are those that work all of your different muscle groups…. everything from your shoulders and arms, to your abs and gluts. It’s what you’re doing that matters, not how much.

Focus on quality, not quantity.


Quick Effective Exercises To Burn Fat & Tone Up

Here are 10 exercises I recommend you do six days a week that’ll help you burn fat and tone up.

Complete these exercises three days in a row followed by a rest day. Then complete another three days in a row and repeat that cycle. If that’s too much for you to begin with, scale it back to every other day.

These exercises can be done anywhere. All that’s necessary is your time and effort.


Do one set of each exercise below for 1 minute straight and then move onto the next one.


1. Jogging in Place

Start off with gently jogging in place to warm up your muscles and increase your heart rate.


2. Low Laterals

Begin incorporating more movement, more legs muscles, and a higher heart rate.


3. Burpees

Time to engage and get all of your muscle groups working now.


4. Push-Ups

The basics, such as push-ups, are still some of the best exercises you can do to tone up.


5. Lunges

Lunges require your leg muscles to work for both the exercise itself and the balance it takes to do them.


6. Squat / Jab / Punch

An all encompassing exercise that works your upper body, your abs, legs, and increases your heart rate so that you burn even more fat.


7. Single Arm Tricep Press

This upper body exercise will not only tone your arms and shoulder, but your abs as well.


8. Squats

Once again, the basics, such as a squat, is one of the most effective and beneficial leg exercise you can do to tone up your legs.


9. Toe Touches

This workout for your abs is deceiving. It looks easy but it’ll get your abs burning and toned for sure.


10. Abdominal Bicycles

Finish off your routine with bicycles for your abs and call it a workout.


For additional guidance, click each exercise for a video demonstration on how to do each one of the exercises.


10 effective fat burning exercises you can do anywhere in just 15 minutes. This definitely eliminates the excuses of not having time, the right equipment, or knowing what exercises to do, doesn’t it? 🙂

If completing 1 minute of each exercise is too challenging to begin with, start with 30 seconds for each exercise and build your way up to a minute from there.


How To Be Successful

The keys to successfully burning fat and toning up are commitment, time, and effort.

Commit to doing these exercises 6 days a week or every other day to begin with.

Dedicate the time to make it happen (15 minutes) and your body time to respond.

We can’t expect miracles in a just a few weeks.

Commit, give it time, and give it your all.


You’ll be surprised how quickly you progress with this exercise routine. As you progress, it’s important to add new and more challenging exercises into your routine. Not to worry, I’ve got you covered.

Access my 100 Video Exercise Library below. You can pick and choose different muscle groups and exercises from different categories to create hundreds of new and different exercise routines.



To accelerate your results further, here are 12 foods to eat daily that’ll help you speed up the process of losing fat and leaning up.


These 10 exercise and 12 foods are straight forward and simple to follow.

It’s all practical stuff that you can take action on and begin using immediately.

If any of this is confusing, difficult to understand, or maybe just a bit overwhelming, that’s OK.

Reach out to me and let me know where and what you’re struggling with. I’ll help you get started.


You should already know this but in case you don’t… you’re awesome!

Thanks for being here.




Featured Image Credit: Fitvegandiaries.com


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